10.06.2014 08:30
Просмотров всего: 4114; сегодня: 2.

All Global Logistics Arrive in Moscow on 12-14 September

First Annual Conference of the Acex Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance will take place in the authentic Russian Capital Moscow between September 12 and 14, 2014.

It’s going to be the first time when representatives of the Russian logistics market will meet their counterparts from worldwide freight forwarding companies at the Conference in their native country.

The event will host leaders of the transport and logistics companies from different regions of Russia, CIS (NIS), and Baltic countries as well as the best Alliance partners from Germany, Finland, France, Brazil, Italy, Sweden, China, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, USA, and other countries.

The brief Conference Agenda:

Day 1st, Sep 12, 2014: 

• Arrival of the participants 

• 7 to 9 pm : Registration for the Conference and welcome cocktail reception

Day 2nd, Sep 13. 2014: 

• 9 to 12 am: Presentation of the Alliance opportunities, discussion of the operational cooperation issues, overview of the marketing and financial support for the Acex Alliance members. Guest speakers with market review presentations 

• 12 am to 13 pm: Group lunch

• 13 to 17 pm: Bilateral face-to-face meetings between the participants 

• 18 to 22 pm: Group dinner while enjoying the spectacular view of Moscow city center from the board of the luxury cruise-yacht Radisson Royal

Day 3rd, Sep 14, 2014: 

• 9 to 12 am: continue face-to-face bilateral meetings. Closing ceremony, Group photo 

• 14 to 17 pm: organized sightseeing tour to the Moscow city center (for interested people)

Russia and CIS is the huge market with unlimited opportunities since it has active trade with different countries worldwide, yet few international freight forwarders have taken by far that opportunity to commence business on this market due to various reasons like: lack of a reliable quality partner, language barrier, difficulties with customs clearance and documentation turnover, vast territory that needs knowledge of the national specificity and mentality.

The hereby announced Acex Conference is organized in order to:

• Let our international partners expand their business opportunities by meeting face-to-face with the leaders of the freight forwarding companies from different regions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Baltic countries

• Let our international partners, who are all stable and trustworthy companies, who have proved their creditworthiness through years of partnership with the Alliance members, who have already developed stable and regular business with Europe, Americas, and Asia, expand their agency network into the new market and find themselves new reliable partners

• Let all Alliance members facilitate their business relations and minimize their risks of working with the vast and uneasy market of Russia and CIS, get financial guarantees and marketing support from Acex Alliance who is going to be the warrantor of the reciprocal trustworthiness to all companies who are members of the Alliance

Marketing support in Russia and CIS:

All the participants of the Acex Alliance Conference will get overall marketing support and promotion on the Russian and CIS territories, will be granted to see their advertisements on the Alliance website and to appear in the Russian mass media where articles and press-releases about the Conference will be posted, will see their information in the newsletters that are going to be distributed among over than 500 freight forwarding companies, thus will be given a chance to have their company brand name become familiar on the Russian and CIS market.

The sightseeing proposed agenda:

Along with the intensive business schedule all the participants will have a chance to know Russia and its historic landmarks from inside. We shall organize a Moscow-river cruise for you on the board of the luxury snow-white yacht, where from you will see the very heart of Russia – the Red Square, the Kremlin, the Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Redeemer, the Monument of the Peter-the-Great, and many more landmarks.

During the second day of the Conference the interested people are going to enjoy a supplementary sightseeing tour around the historical center of Moscow with visiting the best attractions, with an opportunity to taste the authentic national cuisine in a traditional Russian restaurant, and to visit the famous deluxe Moscow nightclubs in the late evening.

We are sincerely happy to welcome our guest in Moscow, where unlimited opportunities of developing business and logistics are waiting for you, where we shall do our best to meet you with all the Russian hospitality and warmness.

We would be pleased if you can confirm your interest to take part in our event by June 20, 2014, and we shall send you the detailed Acex Alliance Conference agenda, hotel reservation guidelines, visa support information, and the sightseeing program.

Welcome to Russia on Sep 12-14, 2014!

International Acex Alliance Conference (12-14 of September 2014) – is an annual platform for communication, expansion of global agent network and business development for heads of Russian logistics companies and international freight forwarders from around the world. Conference allows to get knowledge of logistics peculiarities, local markets, customs specifics, geography of different regions of the world directly "straight from the source" and also to find a reliable partner abroad.

The First Russian International Logistics Alliance Acex - is a business association of independent Russian and foreign freight forwarders, aimed to develop mutual business connected with logistics and customs clearance in Russia and the CIS. Alliance consists of more than 100 strong and most experienced in their countries and regions freight forwarding companies from different countries around the world.

Тематические сайты: PublisherNews - портал системы продвижения публикаций, Ивент-сообщество, Логистика
Сайты субъектов РФ: Москва
Сайты федеральных округов РФ: Центральный федеральный округ
Сайты стран: Россия

Ньюсмейкер: Acex Group — 133 публикации


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